AI Across the curriculum

AI has changed how we do business, plan cities, grow food, treat patients, write, learn, and teach. Every profession uses AI; every program should teach it.

An Ethos and a Strategy

We are all using AI already, whether we know it or not. With thousands of new jobs being created that need AI talent, UF advocates for every college student, regardless of major, to graduate with a basic understanding of AI literacy. Beyond that, UF encourages students willing to put in the time and the effort to become AI competent or an AI expert.

Our AI literacy model focuses on four core areas:

  • Knowing and understanding AI
  • Using and applying AI
  • Evaluating and creating AI
  • AI ethics

In addition to infusing AI learning broadly across all majors, UF also created a first ever, university-wide certificate in AI Fundamentals and applications. We also have a suite of discipline-specific AI certificates.

AI: Already Underway

Just a few years ago, few, if any, universities had a comprehensive AI curriculum. As we began our work to teach AI broadly, administrators and UF faculty sought to advance their knowledge via a comprehensive literature review of AI experts’ recommendations and research. In tandem, we also surveyed faculty across the university to identify those already teaching AI.

Next came 100 strategic faculty hires across UF’s 16 colleges, ensuring that each college has AI-knowledgeable faculty ready to teach in that discipline.

To learn more about our curriculum, read UF QEP - AI Across the Curriculum

Making AI a Core Literacy and Methodology

Artificial intelligence has deep roots in computer science and engineering. UF has embraced its possibilities not just in those fields, but across all fields. Academic commitment to AI as a core literacy and methodology is central to a UF education, from astronomy to anthropology, engineering to English, and mathematics to philosophy. The Provost’s Office is the pivot point for AI Across the Curriculum.

Let’s Journey Together

As UF continues to add courses and programs to AI Across the Curriculum, other universities are also embracing AI. This is a journey that we are taking together, with every expectation of shared insights and discoveries. UF is committed as a partner, resource, and supporter of innovative learning opportunities for universities and students everywhe

Administrator's Guide

How to Adopt AI Across the Curriculum

The Short Version

Get Going

If you are in a department, college or university that is just beginning to embrace a university-wide approach to AI, start by finding the faculty who already know and use AI. Find those willing to learn. Meet. Have coffee. Share stories and links. Your champions will emerge.

Find more options and tactics in the chapters entitled Your Leadership Council and Faculty and Student Buy-In in our Administrator’s Guide to Building an AI University.

Find Tech as Needed

AI may be data intensive, but you don’t need a supercomputer to teach with it. You may need access to one though. Options include a cloud-based service or a sharing arrangement with another university.

Seek out the tech pioneers among your alumni. The University of Florida is fortunate that one of our alumni, a cofounder of NVIDIA, offered a partnership that included the supercomputer nucleus of our AI efforts, the HiPerGator.

See Resources in our Administrator’s Guide for more on your computing needs.

Lead and Learn

Keep the conversation going. Share successes and failures. Connect with more faculty, alumni, and leaders. Create events and networks where you can share resources, from syllabi to computing access.

Faculty at schools in our conference can use the HiPerGator for teaching at no cost, and for research at the same cost as UF faculty, thanks to a memorandum of understanding between UF and the Southeastern Conference (SEC). 

See AI Across the Curriculum in our Administrator’s Guide for advice on how to implement and learn from your mistakes.

Connect With Others

We’re with you on the journey. Affiliate with the AI2 Center, attend AI Days, or register for our professional development training in our AI Learning Academy where we teach a cohort of learners how to implement AI in their teaching.

“I believe that every student should have the opportunity to learn AI for their future benefit, and that it’s actually best done in the context of their chosen major.” —Joe Glover, Interim Provost, University of Florida

From the Classroom

Hear from our faculty and academic leaders about teaching with AI across the curriculum.

Contact AI at UF

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 113175
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

Physical Address
105 Ayers Building at Innovation Square
720 SW Second Ave.
Gainesville, FL 32601

Call us: (352) 294-1895