Building an AI University

The University of Florida Artificial Intelligence Initiative touches every corner of the university, aiming to reach every corner of the world.

Embracing AI on Every Level

When the University of Florida partnered with NVIDIA to serve as home to one of the world’s fastest supercomputers in higher education, it stepped onto the forefront of AI in higher education. Rather than reserve this powerful resource for researchers and faculty in designated colleges or STEM disciplines, UF has used this technology to transform the university as a whole. 

Preparing Everyone for the Promise of AI

The World Economic Forum has predicted that 97 million new jobs will require some level of AI talent this year. 

All academic disciplines and industries engage with massive amounts of data, and data is at the heart of nearly every facet of modern life. UF has embarked on a university-wide effort to benefit the state and nation, and prepare the 21st century workforce, through producing graduates—and conducting research—that uses AI to transform data into action.

AI Across the Curriculum

Since 2020, UF has embarked on a university-wide effort to produce an AI-enabled workforce for Florida and beyond.

Creating AI-Enabled Workers

AI Ethics

The ethical issues surrounding AI—privacy, transparency, bias, academic integrity—are serious. UF requires ethics courses in its certificate and micro-credential programs.

More About AI Ethics

AI Initiatives

In 2023, UF distributed nearly $19 million to fund AI efforts in 10 colleges. We are investing those funds in a transformational approach to integrating AI with all curriculum and interdisciplinary research.

Our Strategic Investment in AI

A Brief Timeline

Since 2020, UF has made fast leaps to becoming an AI university.


Initial Vision

  • When asked by Chris Malachowsky, a UF alum and co-founder of NVIDIA, what UF would do with a supercomputer, Provost Joe Glover responded, “We would build an AI university and integrate AI across the curriculum.” 
  • UF’s accountability plans for 2020 and 2021 highlight the intention to deepen engagement in AI. 
  • University faculty and departments who were already using AI begin to work together on AI across the curriculum.


Building the Foundation 

  • Major Investments: NVIDIA Co-Founder Chris Malachowsky commits $50 million to UF. UF pledged $20 million to hire new AI faculty. 
  • UF begins building HiPerGator, a state-of-the-art supercomputer, to power its AI programs.


AI Faculty Hiring Initiative

UF launches a two-year AI hiring initiative, bringing on 106 new AI faculty members across colleges. 


UF Launches AI Across the Curriculum 

UF launches of the Artificial Intelligence Academic Initiative (AI2) Center, a central location for all AI academic efforts at UF. AI Days and AI Scholars initiatives launch under AI2.


In 2023, Florida made a strategic investment in artificial intelligence. UF designated $18.8 million of that investment to fund 15 projects across 10 colleges.



  • Certification program launches: All students can learn about AI, regardless of their major. The program includes the fundamentals of AI and AI ethics. A third applied AI course focuses on their field of study. 
  • AI class designation and tagging continues.


Growth and Updated Technology Continues   

Planned investment of $24 million to upgrade HiPerGator supercomputer. 


Students annually

UF enrollment in AI courses


AI-related internships

Via the Career Connection Center


AI-focused faculty

Throughout the university

“Clean data is the oxygen of AI.” —Elias Eldayrie, Vice President and Chief Information Officer

Contact AI at UF

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 113175
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

Physical Address
105 Ayers Building at Innovation Square
720 SW Second Ave.
Gainesville, FL 32601

Call us: (352) 294-1895